The Teochew Store Blog

Deng Cueng: Telling the Story of Teochew through Documentary & Old Photos

Wild Teochew, the first ever nature-documentary on wildlife in the Teochew region was officially released in the Teochew language recently. Deng Cueng (丁銓), who hails from Teochew, China, is the documentary’s director, as well as the editor of the photographic collection Historical Photos of Teochew. The Teochew Store had the pleasure of interviewing Deng Cueng to learn about his enthusiasm in promoting the nature and culture of his homeplace and the gains he has received from it.

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Teochew through the eyes of its visitors: The Scholar-Officials of Song

A thousand years ago our ancestors in Teochew lived together with giants. Giants that weighed four tons, neared three metres in height, had two floppy ears, a trunk and a mammoth appetite.

An entry in the History of Song (宋史), dated 1171, reported that farmers in the Teochew prefecture had to set up pit traps in their fields after hundreds of wild elephants ate their crops. The cause of the conflict was quite imaginably the expansion of human settlements and agricultural activities into the animals’ habitats and stomping grounds. However, the elephants did not withdraw into the forests as a result. Instead, they organised themselves into herds and waited on the roads to ambush any passing cart or horse, which they encircled until the humans collected grain to feed them. To live with nature rather than conquer it was a wisdom our forefathers understood well.

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Recipe for making Soon Kueh using winter bamboo shoots

Here is a recipe from Singapore for making Soon Kueh using winter bamboo shoots (dang soon 冬笋)

Courtesy of Mr Tan Peng Boon.

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Wild Teochew 《野性潮州》 - now in Teochew-language commentary

Wild Teochew 《野性潮州》 is the first video produced on the wildlife in the Teochew region. It is a collection of footage produced by a group of local nature lovers over the course of 3 years.

This amazing documentary was nominated for the Best Production award (最佳作品) in the 3rd China Wildlife Image and Video Competition in 2022 (2022第三届野生生物影像年赛) hosted by Chinese National Geography and organized by DDFW and Chinese National Geography Book Company. 

Wild Teochew can now be watched in Teochew-language commentary provided by its director Deng Cueng 丁铨 (author of Historical Photos of Teochew 旧影潮州), accompanied by Chinese and English language subtitles.


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Wa Si Teochew Kia now available at Bras Basah, Singapore

We are delighted to inform all friends in Singapore that besides our official website, Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressions can now be purchased at one of Singapore’s most established Chinese language bookstores, Maha Yu Yi, which is located at Bras Basah Complex.

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Teochew through the eyes of its visitors: Chen Yaozou, an unsung hero

History has a funny old way of repeating itself.

Chen Yaozuo (陳堯佐) was a prime minister and grand tutor of the crown prince of the Song dynasty (960–1279) in the 11th century. Coming from a family of officials, he was a rising star at the start of his career, until he bravely, or some might say foolishly, answered a call of Emperor Zhenzong for open criticisms by submitting a memorial that spelt out the ills of the times, including matters that no one else dared to speak about. As a result, Chen Yaozuo was banished and demoted to become an assistant prefect in the Teochew prefecture. This happened in 998, almost 180 years after Han Yu of the Tang dynasty suffered a similar fate.

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Recipe for making Ku Chai (chives) Kueh

Here is a recipe from Singapore for making Ku Chai (chives) Kueh.

Courtesy of Mr Tan Peng Boon.

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Recipe for making Ko-le (cabbage) Kueh

Here is a recipe from Singapore for making Ko-le (Cabbage) Kueh. 

Courtesy of Mr Tan Peng Boon.

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Teochew through the eyes of its visitors: Han Yu, the genius who discovered one of life's greatest joys

Have you ever wondered how did our forefathers live 100 years ago, 200 years ago, or even 1,000 years ago?

Our ancestors were a lot of things. Merchants, traders, seafarers, fishermen, agriculturalists, tea connoisseurs, culinary experts, artisans, builders, artists, musicians, poets, etc. But somehow there was not a historian among them. They spent their lives and energies in pursuit of happiness in many ways that today endow us with a rich cultural heritage and identity. Yet, it did not occur to them to document themselves or the world they lived in.

Fortunately, the Teochew region had over the centuries its fair share of visitors, of whom a few were both keen observers and skilled writers.

We begin a new series of articles telling the history and people of Teochew through the eyes of these men and women, with Han Yu (韓愈), a literary genius from the Tang dynasty, who came to Teochew more than 1000 years ago and not only escaped death here, but also discovered here one of the life's greatest joys. 



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A Recipe for making Deluxe Png Kueh

Here is a recipe from Singapore for making a deluxe version of our Teochew Png Kueh. Compared to png kueh commonly sold in the market, it uses quality and a generous amount of ingredients. Commentary in the video is in English.

Courtesy of Mr Tan Peng Boon.

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ANNOUNCEMENT - Change in Store Currency

Product and shipping prices on The Teochew Store (, currently denoted in US dollars (USD), will be changed to Singapore dollars (SGD) with effect from 1st February 2023.

Prices will be adjusted to reflect the change in store currency.

We thank you for your continued support.

Follow The Teochew Store on Telegram/ 欢迎订阅潮铺的Telegram频道,获得最新资讯:

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Not Quite As Easy As ABC

Finding the proper Teochew terms to help 3-year-olds pick up a basic vocabulary in the Teochew language is surely as easy as ABC.

This was what we told ourselves when we set out to create Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressions Multimedia Flashcards 精选一百二十潮语词语》- 多媒体早教图卡), a set of educational flashcards with animated videos developed specially for babies and toddlers to learn their mother tongue together with their parents. 

Then, we came to the word "mother"... Read more about some of the challenging decisions we faced in conceptalising and designing The Teochew Store’s first in-house product, which we realised through the generous funding of more than 100 backers from 14 different countries on Kickstarter last year. 

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Remembering the 1922 Swatow Typhoon 百年善纪——纪念潮汕八二风灾100周年

Watch 《百年善纪——纪念潮汕八二风灾100周年》, a four-part documentary produced by Shantou Television to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 1922 Swatow Typhoon. 

Commentary in Mandarin, with interviews in Teochew and Chinese subtitles.

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Swatow Typhoon of 1922

“When the tidal wave came, the most vulnerable died tragically: some parents who carried several children were forced to let go the daughters to save themselves from drowning. Some mothers carried the babies with them and floated in the water, but the husbands took away the babies in order to save their wives. Some elderly parents could not swim and their sons did not abandon them, and they were all drowned. Some parents could not hold too many children together and they griped the children’s hair and little arms, but when they reached the high grounds, the younger ones had already died. Some elderly parents did not want to burden their adult children and they drowned themselves in order to save the family line. There were couples tied themselves together with strings but they were drowned. After the disaster, some people could not bear the deaths of their loved ones and they committed suicide.”

~ Chen Yuan (陳沅), magistrate of Jaopeng county

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The First Nature Documentary of the Teochew Region

The Teochew people are not the only ones who live in the Teochew region. Watch Wild Teochew 《野性潮州》, an extraordinary documentary on wildlife in Teochew's mountains, rivers, city, villages and sea that is directed by Deng Cueng 丁铨 (author of Historical Photos of Teochew 旧影潮州) and collects footages produced by a group of local nature lovers over the course of 3 years.

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ON SALE NOW! 正式发售!

Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressions Multimedia Flashcards is on sale now!

《我是潮州囝——精选一百二十潮语词语》- 多媒体早教图卡, 正式发售!

To purchase your Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressions Multimedia Flashcards, please click here.
PRODUCT LAUNCH GIVEAWAY. We're are giving 1 free small tote bag (worth USD6) for every set of Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressions purchased. Only while stocks last!
凡订购一套《我是潮州囝——精选一百二十潮语词语》早教图卡,将获赠一个小号卡通帆布袋 (售价USD6)。限量赠送,送完为止。
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The 3rd "Teochew Language Challenge" (来拚潮州话啦!),

Can you read in Teochew language? 😜 Are you game to put your proficiency to test?

Calling all Teochews based in Singapore to sign up for the 3rd "Teochew Language Challenge" (来拚潮州话啦!), jointly organised by Chui Huay Lim Club (醉花林俱乐部) and Singapore Teochew Heritage Society (潮州文史学会). Details in the poster below.

Hurry! Closing date for registration is on 4 December 2022.


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Wa Si Teochew Kia - Your Rewards are Ready! 您的礼品已制作完毕!

To our friends, especially our "Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressions" Kickstarter campaign backers, our flashcards, t-shirts and tote bags are ready!



For backers with physical rewards, we will be in touch with you over the next few days concerning arrangements and payment for shipping.



Do also remember to confirm with us the name you wish to appear in our credits, if you have not done so, as we are applying the final touches to our videos.



Our flashcards will also soon be on sale on The Teochew Store website. Do look out for them on this website


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A Final Push 最后的冲刺

We are entering the final 50 hours of our Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions Kickstarter campaign. As we make our final push, do continue to help us tell more people about our project. Thank you!

To learn about this project or contribute to our crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter,  please click here.



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Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressions 《我是潮州囝——精选一百二十潮语词语》

Today we launch our crowdfunding for Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressionsa set of multimedia flashcards developed by The Teochew Store for children under the age of three to learn the Teochew language together with their parents.

Read more about how you can contribute to this meaningful project on this page, or visit our Kickstarter campaign directly from here.

《我是潮州囝——精选一百二十潮语词语》由潮舗特别推出。这是一套让父母与三岁以下幼儿一起学习潮语的多媒体早教图卡。我们今天正式启动众筹活动,希望得到您的支持和资助。您可以这个页面了解更多项目详情,或点击这里直接浏览我们在 Kickstarter平台的网页

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Restoring Teochew to Our Families 助力潮州话在家中的复兴

Parents, do you still remember the excitement of watching your newborn open his/her fingers for the first time? Or executing the first rollovers? Sitting up, standing, and walking?


All these “firsts” are swiftly achieved one after another. These are glorious days when new parents are still in a state of wonder, but the baby seems to know exactly what to do next as if he/she is pre-programmed. How many times are we led to believe our precious baby can master just about anything, and will one day become everything he/she is destined for?


Then the child learns to talk...


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Final 7 Days of Our Crowdfunding Campaign 我们众筹活动最后七天

Have we mentioned that you can get our Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions flashcards (3 boxes of 40 cards each, recommended retail price: S$60) now for just S$55? At the same time, you will receive personal copies of our 10 flashcard videos and your name will be included in the credits at the end of our videos as well as on The Teochew Store “Wa Si Teochew Kia My First 120 Teochew Expressions” project page.


We also have other attractive rewards, such as attractive Wa Si Teochew Kia family characters portrait tote bags and T-shirts of our adorable Wa Si Teochew Kia family characters.

此外,我们还有其他的礼品选择。例如印有“我是潮州囝”卡通全家福的手提袋和印有”我是潮州囝“卡通人物的T恤衫 。

If you are looking for a special gift idea, how about getting our partner illustrators to hand paint a personalised cartoon portrait of your child?

如果您在寻找一样特别的礼物给您的孩子, 也可以考虑让我们的合作画家为他(她)亲自手绘一幅卡通肖像画。

Everything on our “Wa Si Teochew Kia My First 120 Teochew Expressions” Kickstarter campaign page.


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Fun Fact behind Wa Si Teochew Kia Jingle 《我是潮州囝》有趣花絮

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Wa Si Teochew Kia".

Do you know our Wa Si Teochew Kia jingle is sung by J.J., a 3-year-old Teochew boy from Singapore? J.J. also composed the tune as an English counting song for Mummy when she was out for dinner one night.

All children have incredible learning potential.

Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions is a set of multimedia flashcards developed by The Teochew Store to help children under 3 learn to speak Teochew together with their parents.

To learn about this project or contribute to our crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter,  please click here.






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Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions: Kickstarter Campaign Update 6

Words cannot describe our joy! It has taken nearly four months for our small team to reach this point in this project. From conceptualisation to the research of Teochew words, initial illustrations and videos, preparation of Kickstarter campaign and rewards, to marketing… while still having to juggle with our day jobs.



Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions is a set of multimedia flashcards developed by The Teochew Store to help children under 3 learn to speak Teochew together with their parents. To learn about this project or contribute to our crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, please click here.
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Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions: Kickstarter Campaign Update 5

《我是潮州囝——精选一百二十潮语词语》早教图卡的筹款活动将在2022年8月15日结束,请大家继续支持我们实现目标,助力潮州话在家中的复兴! 请点击这里,了解这个项目。

Our Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressions multimedia flashcards runs till 15th August 2022. Continue to lend us your support today to reach our goal and fulfill our dream of Restoring Teochew to Our Families.  Please click here to learn more about our project.                         

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Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressions: Sample Video 《我是潮州囝——精选一百二十潮语词语》示例视频

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Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions: Kickstarter Campaign Update 4

We are grateful to Jeunes Teochew de France for helping promote Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions in the French language on Instagram, as well as Singapore TeoChew Nang SG and Learn-Teochew for kind their assistance on supporting this project on Facebook. They are all actively promoting our Teochew culture and language, so do “like” and follow their accounts as well.

潮舗非常感谢Jeunes Teochew de France (法國青年潮州人) 用法语在Instagram宣传我们的项目——《我是潮州囝——精选一百二十潮语词语》。我们也非常感谢 Singapore TeoChew Nang SG 与 Learn-Teochew 在Facebook为我们的项目做宣传。他们一直在热诚地发扬和分享潮州文化及语言,请大家一起”点赞”并订阅他们的页面。

In recent days, we received our first backings from Thailand, Switzerland and Germany. Because of everyone’s support, we have crossed the 90% mark of our crowdfunding (yeah!).


Continue to help us bring this project to life. Please click here


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Ah Ma's Hair Bun 阿嫲的头鬃

Did your Ah-ma wear a hair bun like the grandmother character in our Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressions flashcards?


Until about a couple of generations ago, all married Teochew women did so as a sign of their marital status. Learn more about this tradition that is at least 800 years old!


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Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions: Kickstarter Campaign Update 3

We wanted to give you an update when we reach 50% of our crowdfunding amount. But your backings came thick and fast. We are now already past the 66% mark! We thank our backers from Singapore, USA, Australia, UK, Canada, Hong Kong, France and even Denmark! And of course, many others, who continue to share about our project on social media and by word of mouth.
To contribute or to learn more about our project, please click here
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