Scenes of Teochew - 3D Postcard: Lantern-Making 潮汕立体明信片: 写灯笼


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Thinking of sending a written note to your family member or friends? Why not convey your message in heart-warming manner using one of 8 3D postcards depicting old time street scenes and Teochew daily life in Swatow, including: paper-puppet show, traditional herbal store, roadside food stall, old-style hair salon, lantern-making, "out of garden" (coming of age) ceremony, beef eating place and family convenience store. (Package includes black paper back-up stand.)

出花园、手打牛肉丸、老熟地、街边小吃、看纸影戏... 八款出之汕头的潮州味复古风立体明信片,背面标准明信片格式,贴足邮资可邮寄;内有折叠切线,方便折出立体造型。浓浓古早味,趣味十足!(包装包括黑卡纸支架)

Lin Danna

The Designer: This set of beautiful postcards is the original creation of Dana Lin, a young graphic designer and artist from Swatow. Since graduation she has chosen to pursue an independent career path and her drawings have graced the Chinese language educational publication of the Asahi Press from Japan and featured in a personal exhibition held in a major bookstore chain in Guangzhou. Her deepest passion is to illustrate and share in picture memories of growing in Swatow and to promote the Teochew culture.

插画师介绍: 跳叫板,原名林丹娜,汕头人,她的绘画有着直抵人心的温暖。毕业后没有走上专业相关的从业之路,而是延续儿时梦想,遵循兴趣,投身平面设计和绘画。凭借努力及独特画风,她在圈内已小有名气。她曾为日本朝日出版社的中国语教材画过封面和插图,在广州联合书店办过个人画展……用画笔书写潮汕,用作品记录童年记忆,用插画新形态传播潮汕传统文化。

instagram: danaillustration


Instructions for setting 3D effect 立体明信片制作教程:

1. Gently push out the "pop-up" parts of the postcard along given perforated lines; 明信片有压线,只需将明信片的切线轻轻掰开;

2. Bend the bottom segment of postcard along fold line to create a "L" shape; 如上图沿着折线做90度翻折;
3. Paste back of folded postcard unto black paper stand (included in package); 将折好的明信片粘在附送的黑卡纸上;

4. Fold up bottom segment of paper stand to create a "L" shape to support postcard. 将黑卡纸折L型,起到支架的作用;
5. Complete! 大功告成!