Spoken Diozu 《潮州話口語》is a step up from our popular Conversational Teochew In A Month 《潮州話一月通》 self-learning course. The audio and subtitles (in English and Teochew) materials are adapted from the original publication of the same title (1989) edited by 林伦伦 and 黄章恺.
You may download Spoken Dioziu for free. However if you wish also to support us at The Teochew Store in continuing to provide and developing similar Teochew language learning resources, you can leave us a tip here.
親愛的網友,您可以免費下載 《潮州話口語》。如果您樂意支持潮舖的長遠發展,為大家提供更多相關的潮州方言學習資料,歡迎點擊這裡贊助我們。
The course has three levels, each with 12 conversations on the following six topics that focus on common daily interactions:
- A Chance Meeting (相遇);
- Calling on Someone (拜訪);
- Shopping (購物);
- Travelling (旅行);
- Sightseeing (遊覽); and
- Get together (歡聚)
Each level is designed to help improve your commanding of listening and speaking in Teochew. At the same time the subtitles will introduce you to the actual Chinese characters for the Teochew expressions.
This course is available in the following digital format:
Mp3 sound file + .srt subtitle (suitable for computer, Android tablet and smartphone use)

Note: Not every mp3 player is able to display .srt subtitles. For an enhanced learning experience, we recommend the use of WorkAudioBook audio player, which is specially tailored language learning. Amongst other functions, ii splits audio file into phrases and allows these phrases to be auto-paused and repeated.
- WorkAudioBook application for Windows can be downloaded for free here.
- WorkAudioBook app for Android can be downloaded for free on Google Play from this link here.
- iPhone and iPad versions of WorkAudioBook are still under development.
To download
To download "Spoken Diozu", please add item to cart and checkout. You may choose to download the audio with subtitles in English and written Teochew in either traditional or simplified Chinese characters.
Upon completion of the payment process (it is FREE), a download link will automatically be sent to the email address you provide. Please be informed that each order comes with a limit of 5 download attempts. Please contact us if any difficulty is encountered in your transaction.
The full Spoken Dioziu course is now also available on YouTube in Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese: